Jesse Peckham

2031 Cannons Coach
Quick Facts
- Hometown: Watertown, NY
- Lacrosse Bio: I started playing the game at the age of 10 years old. Played in High School at GBHS under the tutelage of Tom Frears and Mike Hulbert. Did not pursue collegiately. Got reintroduced and started coaching the game back in 2006 within the General Brown Youth Program. Have been a mainstay with the goal of instructing and developing the love and understanding of the game at General Brown Youth ever since (18 years has gone fast!). In addition to volunteering for the Boys Youth Lacrosse Program. I’ve also been volunteering for the General Brown Youth Basketball program since 2011 (boys & girls). Also current Assistant Coach to the Lake Effect Storm 2025 White Womens Lacrosse team since 2023.
- Hobbies: Four wheeling and camping
- Favorite Food: Seafood Trifecta
- Favorite College Lacrosse Team: Syracuse
- Biggest Highlight of playing/coaching career: Biggest highlight is watching our youth develop into young athletes who develop a love for the greatest game on two feet. Also winning the 1812 Shootout 2022 in both the travel division (Unity 2030s) and the school division (GB 2030/31s). What a weekend to remember!!